for source-based connectivity based on EEG/MEG

[sorry, the page under development]

Preprocessing pipeline for analyzing source based connectivity EEG/MEG data. Extensively uses Fieldtrip routines but also requires eeglab and binica tools. For individual head/source models FreeSurfer is also required. Currently supports bdf, eeglab (EEG) and ctf (MEG) formats.


Requires Matlab environment. Unpack and add the directories into Matlab path. The toolbox requires FieldTrip to installed as well. Includes FastICA, Multar and some EEGlab functions.

How to use:

Analysis is launched by EX_SETUP file, where all the analysis parameters are defined. The latter can be found in the templates directory.
Currently following formats are supported: bdf, eeglab, ctf


download link

In memory of Adam Labaza, who greatly contributed to our works and passed away in 2021.